OTX Protocol
For using OT in your own application, see the article on the high-level API.
For more details on how these messages work, see the article on messaging.
Also see the article on transaction messages.
Version 0.1
These are the messages used by versions of the opentxs client and server up to 0.93
For specifics on each message, see the opentxs::Message.cpp file.
Message | Action | Response | Transactional (Y/N) |
checkServerID | Like a server “ping”. | @checkServerID | N |
createUserAccount | Register Nym + Credentials at Server | @createUserAccount | Y |
createUserAccount | (If already exists) Download Nym from server | @createUserAccount | N |
deleteUserAccount | Delete Nym from server | @deleteUserAccount | Y |
getRequest | Get current request number for Nym | @getRequest | N |
getContract | Download contract by ID | @getContract | N |
getMint | Download Mint by Asset ID | @getMint | N |
getMarketList | Download list of markets | @getMarketList | N |
getMarketOffers | Download offers active on market | @getMarketOffers | N |
getMarketRecentTrades | Download recent trades for market | @getMarketRecentTrades | N |
getNym_MarketOffers | Download list of offers on market for Nym | @getNym_MarketOffers | N |
checkUser | Download public credentials for a Nym | @checkUser | N |
usageCredits | Get Nym's usage credits from server | @usageCredits | N |
usageCredits | Set Nym's usage credits for server (admin) | @usageCredits | Y |
sendUserMessage | Send message to another Nym | @sendUserMessage | Y |
sendUserInstrument | Send payment instrument to another Nym | @sendUserInstrument | Y |
issueAssetType | Issue currency or stock based on contract | @issueAssetType | Y |
queryAssetTypes | Download list of asset types from server | @queryAssetTypes | N |
issueBasket | Issue basket currency onto server | @issueBasket | Y |
createAccount | Create asset account on server | @createAccount | Y |
getAccount | Download account balance from server | @getAccount | N |
deleteAssetAccount | Delete asset account from server | @deleteAssetAccount | Y |
getTransactionNum | Ask server for 100 new transaction numbers | @getTransactionNum | Y |
getNymbox | Download Nymbox from server | @getNymbox | N |
getInbox | Download Inbox from server | @getInbox | N |
getOutbox | Download outbox from server | @getOutbox | N |
getBoxReceipt | Download box receipt from server | @getBoxReceipt | N |
processInbox | Process inbox items | @processInbox | Y |
processNymbox | Process nymbox items | @processNymbox | Y |
triggerClause | Trigger clause on running smart contract | @triggerClause | Y |
notarizeTransactions | “transfer” acct-to-acct | @notarizeTransactions | Y |
notarizeTransactions | “deposit” cash | @notarizeTransactions | Y |
notarizeTransactions | “deposit” cheque | @notarizeTransactions | Y |
notarizeTransactions | “withdrawal” of cash | @notarizeTransactions | Y |
notarizeTransactions | “withdrawal” of voucher | @notarizeTransactions | Y |
notarizeTransactions | Place a “marketOffer” | @notarizeTransactions | Y |
notarizeTransactions | Activate a “paymentPlan” | @notarizeTransactions | Y |
notarizeTransactions | Activate a “smartContract” | @notarizeTransactions | Y |
notarizeTransactions | “cancelCronItem” - Cancel a market offer, payment plan or smart contract. | @notarizeTransactions | Y |
notarizeTransactions | “exchangeBasket” (Into the basket) | @notarizeTransactions | Y |
notarizeTransactions | “exchangeBasket” (Out of the basket) | @notarizeTransactions | Y |
notarizeTransactions | “payDividend” to shareholders | @notarizeTransactions | Y |
Version 0.2
For more details on message contents and formats, see GitHub documentation
Old name | New name | Response Message |
createUserAccount | registerNym | registerNymResponse |